The Vortex-Faced Being Speaks
Haseeb Ahmed / Belgium, USA
Veronika Christine Dräxler — Okt. 24, 2016
Portfolio: portfolio_akademieschlosssolitude_webresidencycall3_veronikadraexler
In my web residency at Akademie Schloss Solitude I would like to realize a collection of 30 1-minute micro video performances under the project name »Follow me into my deepblue ocean« starring my multiple mes, which are going to be published one by one every day on my vimeo channel and could be embedded on a special site at Schlosspost. I want to explore that (non-)reality we
are giving so different names like »SUPRAINFINIT« by Apparatus 22 or like I call it: »SUPERNATURE.« I do understand this as a place beyond the actual web/internet/cyberspace, which now is absolutely limited by capitalism and the ongoing seeking and buying of likes and attention. How will I explore this territory? I want to transform following keywords – which play a role in my social media research over the years – as work in progress list to create performances with body work out of them:
window (1)/faces (2)/deutsche angst (3)/seer (4)/icecream (5)/deep connection (6)/urbanjungle (7)/exoticism (8)/pineapple (9)/pink sky (10)/fortune cookies (11)/privacy (12)/research (13)/white palms (14)/deterioration (15)/family pet (16)/cloak of invisibility (17)/white flag (18)/3D (19)/wisdom (20)/shelter (21)/alien (22)/gold (23)/glitter (24)/fluid (25)/twin cars (26)/home sweet home (27)/blue friday (28)/blutopfer (29)/penrose (30)
Hello! My name is Veronika Christine Draexler. I explore the interface between real and virtual identity with myself and my possible roles in the digital environment. Therefore I am mostly interested in an ongoing quest for identity and its specific sources, rituals and role models in our post digital society. Besides being an artist I am founding editor of – a young cross-disciplinary blog about young art, culture and digital identity.
© 2025 Akademie Schloss Solitude and the author