Embodied Politics

»It is a radical act to just flow without an end goal.« The Web Residency »Resting! Undesired by the Market« will allow Lorin Sookool to spend time with her Kiddo and just BE. Just maybe they will continue contributing to their YouTube channel Embodied Politics. Here, you can expect all things to do with their life as a South African single artist mother, their work endeavors as a dance creator, performer, and facilitator as well as themes pertaining to Black spiritual growth, i.e. »colored« identity politics, Blackness, spirituality, and intuition. You can look forward to interviews with fellow POC artists working within the body/movement-realm who are making the potsss …

Lorin Sookool, Cape Town/South Africa — Juni 13, 2022

Lorin Sookool is an independent South African performer, choreographer and facilitator. With a Bachelor in Music from the University of Cape Town’s School of Dance (2013), professional experience in two local contemporary dance companies (The Playhouse Company in KwaZulu-Natal and The Forgotten Angle Theatre Collaborative in Mpumalanga) and eight years in the performance theatre industry, Sookool has performed both locally and internationally with a number of choreographers including PJ Sabbagha, Mamela Nyamza, Jay Pather, Jessica Nupen, Athena Mazarakis, Lliane Loots, and Sean Bovim.

Having its roots in practice-based research, Sookool’s own performance interests are reaching beyond choreography and into the broader realms of the role and position of the (dance) artist in society – particularly as connected to South Africa’s socio-political contexts.

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