Crypto Survival Guide

The Feminist Economics Department — Juli 4, 2018

The Feminist Economics Department, Crypto Survival Guide, »Refiguring the Feminist Future«, 2018

Concept Text:

»Dear Grandma,

We made a PSA for you because we want to warn you: Your grandsons are idiots. What are they doing on the computer when all the old people and babies are powerless, living on the outside of town, unable to get safety and care without risking their life savings on new internet pyramid schemes? Why do you have to save your pennies your whole life only to gamble them in something that will only serve the people who are always being served: rich white guys who profit off of our mistakes, and whose fathers made this world such an expensive and uncaring place to grow old in?

You need to teach these guys about how the economy should work. The biggest problem with the new crypto-economy is that we didn’t make it together, with you.«

The FED will produce a PSA (public service announcement) especially for Clickbank, a global marketplace for selling products through affiliates who get paid to promote those products via a special »HopLink« and sales page.

Since December 2017, when the whole world (even your grandma) learned what Bitcoin was, products like, »Crypto Crusher,« »Crypto Kickstarter Accelerator,« and »Crypto Wealth Society« have been flooding ClickBank with promises of, »Crushing It In The Crypto Space In No Time.« And perhaps not surprisingly, 44% of ClickBank’s traffic is in the U.S., targeting a less-educated, less-tech savvy, economically insecure demographic, i.e. the underclass and women of color.

We will produce videos + affiliate marketing materials (English and Spanish) aimed at these folks to reroute the hype around cryptocurrency towards questions of value that actually need attention in our society.


The Feminist Economics Department is a mythical institution currently deploying the services of Emily Martinez and Cassie Thornton, artists and activists who believe in the tactical misuse of technology and money. They use experimental pedagogy to prepare for a future society that produces health without the tools that reproduce oppression — like money, police or prisons. In their collaboration, they will continue to take on crypto colonialism, tech bros, and capitalist values at large.

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