Jasmine Guffond / Sydney, Australia
indivisible committee / World — März 10, 2017
// the amateur as the figure of desire: the one who loves. //
Imagine you’ve got some information.
you would like to work on it with computer-help
you don’t trust internet-based solutions anymore.
you would like to work ‚analogue-style‘.
you’ve got a least one USB-Stick and an old computer.
later on to work collectively.
* get (offline-)computer (+ netbrowser).
* get collabor/art-stick through friends. [or via git-hub / torrent]
* get ‚virtualbox‘-software.
* put collabor/art inside.
* surf container offline // special ‚wiki‘ inside.
//throw on// all kind of Files: txt, doc, pdf, powerpoint, webpages.
— system encyclopaedices it as //reuseable text// (copy/paste-able) & shows images
(‚transcription‘ of each file as successive pages)
//link// files among each other
— connect pages, textpassages etc.
//clarify// & //comment//
— fit in explicatory notes, pages, comment passages (overlay, collective)
//glossarise// terms in your files (glossary)
— each term inside will show your declaration whereever you hover over it
//translate// pages:
— each generated page shows language-option (users can add own)
–> close box, shut down.
remains actual work-status encrypted inside collabor/art
— no internet-traces, no local usage-traces (trash browser-history)
// offline
* produce different ‚editions‘
— clone Collabor/art to other stick where you can work in another manner
* hand stick to someone, let him/them work on the files, too.
— no internet-traces, local usage-traces (trash browser-history)
// local-network
* work with Collabor/art on an computer with wifi
–> secure local network will be created
–> each device with wlan-access / browser will be able to join the game
–> each device will be able to edit, comment — collaborate on your file
–> each user works anonymously (one account for all)
–> users log in seperately (fantasy-names, compare progress via ‚high-score‘)
no internet-traces, local usage-traces, change-indicators deleted (1 day)
work done? go public?
* hand over collabor/art-stick to peers
* place the //one file// on the stick somewhere on the net — and let others know
or — * place old pc anywhere with collabor/art on it
— * enable wlan
— * let others look / alter
— with their devices (networked-) or
— through the pc itself (offline-scenario))
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