DOOM_ROOM – who is game?

Glitchbodies is an experimental game that deals with LGBTQ+ Draq Transformations and intimate, sensitive portrayals of the protagonists. A game of transformation, a Catwalk of Vogeuism, Exhibitionism & Voyeurism. Declared as Virtual Pleasure Drama Art, the game intimates stories and poems and generate a new type of experience, in which virtuality, digitality, and reality in itself merge.

Rebecca Merlic / Vienna, Austria — Dez. 15, 2020

The scenario is based on BKK, a heterotopic inclusive architectural metastructure filled with and from people who form them and who transform you – gender dysphoria. It is a game of transformation, a catwalk of vogueism, exhibitionism and voyeurism; no building … a body without skin! After transforming, the ghost in a shell begins and people live within their dysphoria, in order to be able to cope with the paradox of schizophrenia/dysphoria to find refuge – a stage of in-between.

Cinematically I would like to show the state of being lost, disabled, doomed. Interpret it as a labyrinth, as a search for a new identity and diverse transformation, towards infinity after the point of no return. The DOOM_ROOM is an opposition to the hetero-white architecture_to a libidonal Urbanism. -They- would like to create a place of being lost and of being always doomed … and liberate your libido. The scn3D freezes the body and moments for doomed eternity. Inclusive part of the DOOM_ROOM should not put me as the artist in the foreground but enable co-creative, inclusive collaboration.

Rebecca Merlic, born in 1989 in Germany, retreats between Tokyo, Munich, and Vienna. She recently graduated with distinction at the Academy of Fine Arts, where she studied under Wolfgang Tschapeller, Francois Roché, and Michael Hannsmeyer. In her studies she specialized in analogue and digital art as well as architecture. Her work is strongly influenced by alternative societal modes and transgression in socioeconomic conventions as well as new forms of architectural production employing new technologies. During her masters she was able to study at Astushi KITAGAWARA Lab at Tokyo University of the Arts GEIDAI. She was awarded the Marianne von Willemer Prize 2020 for digital media and the merit scholarship of the City of Vienna. She is currently working on the topic of social inclusion at the American Arts Incubator – Austria with lead artist Rashin Fahandej. Her work is also on display at ADAF Athens Digital Arts 2020 in Greece.

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