Mutational Streams

That the word »mutation« shares its etymological root with the word »mutual« locates the communal as the basis from which to effect change at conceptual and applied levels. The following three collectives – Matter in Flux, Órbitat, and SSEA – have been invited to respond to the theme of mutation, which grounds the first interdisciplinary group residency at Akademie Schloss Solitude. Each of these image-based and textual responses offers a distinct approach to what mutations can encompass. All of these contributions – from the human eye’s self-reflective observations, the geological inscription of a pollen grain across time, and the course of a waterway traversing topographic and semantic landscapes – exemplify transformative possibilities in art making and scholarship: mutations in form and content, method and production, vantage point and assemblage.

Matter in Flux, Órbitat, and SSEA
Edited by Ana María Gómez López — Juni 14, 2021

Excerpt of Annotations (text and print work, 2020) by Matter in Flux / The World in Which We Occur

Akademie Schloss Solitude - Mutational Streams

Akademie Schloss Solitude - Mutational Streams

Akademie Schloss Solitude - Mutational Streams

Matter in Flux is an educational and knowledge-building axis attached to the curatorial research-based entity The World in Which We Occur. MiF is committed to critical analysis, sociological inquiry, debate, and collective writing: its members are artists, curators, theorists, and health practitioners based worldwide and working at the intersection of multiple disciplines. MiF’s interrogative line considers politically enmeshed scientific affairs in ecological politics and policy, economies of transition, history of science, material studies, and gender studies in science.

Mutational streams | Flujos mutacionales | Correntes mutacionais | Flux de mutation | Mutatiestromen by Órbitat

Akademie Schloss Solitude - Mutational Streams

Akademie Schloss Solitude - Mutational Streams

Akademie Schloss Solitude - Mutational Streams

Órbitat is a collaborative and open platform comprised of Latin American artists and social scientists that seeks to activate existing and potential connections between art, science, indigenous and traditional knowledge, history of science, eco-activism, and science fiction. Órbitat was created in response to systemic inequality and hostile public policies that have caused the destruction of ecosystems and human communities on the continent, and aims to highlight historically marginalized worldviews to address these longstanding and contemporary crises.

From the Series Wet Lands (2020 – ongoing) by SSEA

Akademie Schloss Solitude - Mutational Streams

Akademie Schloss Solitude - Mutational Streams

Akademie Schloss Solitude - Mutational Streams

SSEA is a collaborative group of artists, religious practitioners, and researchers in science studies based in London and Cambridge, United Kingdom. SSEA is committed to art making as a form of social praxis, to the interpretation of technoscience as inherently political, and to the examination of religious figuration in the contemporary world. Their current project is Wetlands, a work of experimental historiography that uses documentary techniques (photography, film, sound), archival research, site-specific artwork, and interviews to investigate the fenlands of East Anglia.