Yon Natalie Mik. Dance Outside My Body I (Paper Squats). 2024, Courtesy of the artist
Nov 23, 2012
Die Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt!
In prehistoric cultures, rhythmical activities were used to memorize tool operations; in the 16th century, rhythmical patterns emerged as disciplinary techniques in the Orangist military; in the 19th century, the observation of rhythmical soundscapes in medical listening practice became an important method for gaining knowledge about physiological processes. Rhythm is, more over, not only a human phenomenon, but plays a crucial role in insect communication. These very few examples illustrate the ubiquity of rhythmical structures from time immemorial. With the emergence of the information age and digitally coded technologies, we have been surrounded by rhythmically structured communication networks and rhythmical regularities have become faster and increasingly difficult to visualize.
Despite its omnipresence, the significance of rhythm seems to be underestimated. Thus, the symposium Rhythmanalysis will focus on various types of rhythmical regularities as a concept for understanding different time-structures in diverse fields such as life and economic sciences, cultural and media studies, music, and aesthetics. In this respect, it is following Gaston Bachelard’s influential „The Dialectics of Duration“ (1936) and Henri Lefebvre’s posthumous „Rhythmanalysis: Space, Time and Everyday Life“ (1992). In lectures, discussions, and performances, the symposium’s participants will analyze the notion of rhythm in terms of sequentiality, time processuality, and measure of movement, as well as, outline effects of rhythm on humans and animals, nature and culture, space and time.
MORE INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND ON www.rhythmanalysis.de
The symposium is initiated by Dr. des. Shintaro Miyazaki, media theoretician, Berlin.
Funded by Andrea von Braun Stiftung and cogito foundation.
Prof. Dr. Blandine Bril, L’École des Hautes Ètudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris
Prof. Dr. Dietmar Maringer, University of Basel
Dr. Mara Mills, New York University
Dr. Marianthi Papalexandri-Alexandri, composer and sound artist, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schäffner, Humboldt University of Berlin
Jan Thoben, musicologist, author, and curator, Berlin
Dr. Meta Virant-Doberlet, National Institute of Biology, Ljubljana
Dr. des. Axel Volmar, University of Siegen
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Julia Warmers, Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart and Shintaro Miyazaki
“Untitled II” (2010), “Solo for motors and resonant body” (2012)
Marianthi Papalexandri-Alexandri
Friday, November 23, 2012
Shintaro Miyazaki
10.15 a.m. KEYNOTE
“Rhythms and Bodies 1600”
Wolfgang Schäffner
11.15 a.m. Coffee Break
11.45 a.m. SECTION I
“Rhythm in Tool Use: From Stone-knapping to Blacksmith Hammering”
Blandine Bril
“When a Good Rhythm Can also Be a Bad Rhythm–A Story of Bug Communication”
Meta Virant-Doberlet
1.00 p.m. Lunch
2.30 p.m. SECTION II
“Listening to Living Bodies. Medicine, Experimental Physiology, and the Auditory Construction of Knowledge in the 19th Century”
Axel Volmar
“The Dynamite of the Tenth of a Second. Rhythmizomena in Structural Film”
Jan Thoben
4.00 p.m. Coffee Break
4.30 p.m. SECTION III
“Engineering Rhythm in the Bell Telephone System: On Automation and Its Impairments”
Mara Mills
“The Rhythms and Noises in Financial Markets”
Dietmar Maringer
6.00 p.m. FINAL PANEL
Transdisciplinarity: Problems and Advantages
7.30 p.m. Dinner
an Veranstaltung(en) beteiligt
Yon Natalie Mik. Dance Outside My Body I (Paper Squats). 2024, Courtesy of the artist
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